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Teachers from around the world are tuning in to an incredibly transformative webinar, learning how to foster resilience and positivity in talmidim while creating an uplifting classroom environment.
This past year has been an especially stressful one for everyone, particularly for children. After being out of school for six months, returning to the classroom has been difficult, never mind all the restrictions.
How can a teacher help their students deal with all the stress? What can a teacher do to make the classroom a positive place and for each student to feel safe and comfortable?
To this end, mechanchim and mechanchos from around the world joined for a four-part webinar entitled “Empowering Our Talmidim with Positivity and Resilience” organized by the Lubavitch teachers’ organization Igud Hamelamdim.
The first session, presented online by Rabbi Michoel Gourarie, veteran mechanech and director of BINA in Sydney, Australia, focused on the Lubavitch approach to external challenges and how it applies to children. Rabbi Gourarie emphasized that children are aware of and attuned to stresses around them – be it a pandemic or elections – and we must provide Torah clarity to address their confusion.
Rabbi Nachman Yosef Twersky, maggid shiur and mashpia in Crown Heights, is known for his love and faith in children and adults alike. Tens of local mechanchim gathered to hear him in person and many more tuned in online to hear him speak about “Tracht Gut Vet Zein Gut in Chinuch.”
The quote is well known, but Rabbi Twersky explained its secret in supporting students through hardships. Frustration can cause anyone to weaken their commitment to Yiddishkeit, but a positive perspective can uplift and support.
Rabbi Twersky explored in detail two educational lessons from “Tracht Gut”:
First, to infuse and ingrain into students the beauty of being a Yid – “Ashreinu ma tov chelkeinu,” “Ata Bechartunu” – Hashem’s choice of them, and particularly “Ahavta osanu,” the love Hashem has for each one of them.
Second, for the mechanchim themselves to view each student in a positive light and to see their great potential they have. When teachers have that attitude, students will live up to it.
Rabbi Twersky enthralled the participants with many anecdotes and personal stories that he witnessed and experienced throughout his years in Chinuch.
Director of Igud Hamelamdim, Rabbi Avrohom Bluming, was amazed at the turnout and response. “Our mechanchim and mechanchos are devoted and care so much about their students’ wellbeing. They have been there for our children and they continue to be there for them throughout this difficult time.”
The final two sessions of the course will be presented by Rabbi Yosef Shagalow, a Chassidishe psychologist and lecturer and Rabbi Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin, an inspirational mashpia who resides in Monsey, NY.
Mechanchim and mechanchos who would like to join for the remainder of the course can contact Igud Hamelamdim at